Tuesday, 5 March 2013

3 months post relaxer

I haven't been able to write on my blog for a while because I have been in hospital. I had been under the weather for a good month!! Thank goodness they finally found what was wrong with me and now getting treatment.

As I was in hospital my hair really suffered. Mainly because I was too weak to even think of doing anything to it. A free times I was able to sprinkle some water on it just to keep it moisturised.

So now am 3 months post and will be relaxing my hair this Friday, can't wait, this was the first time I was aware if my stretch most times I would have my weave on so I stretch by default. So I will be updating my length progress after 3 months.

I have been in low manipulating and protective styles all month. I also had weekly wash days. I have not been consistent with my usage of almond oil as I was convinced that it was what was making me ill, it has been a rollercoster of a month for me!!

Protective styling
My new growth has been tough but manageable in my styles. I really have learnt the benefit of have a conditioner and water mix spray just to soften the new growth, that is definitely something I will be using more in my next stretch.

Also really found overnight baggy was really great. The oils really did get through each hair strand, will use that technic too!

Happy hair journeys to everyone and thanks for all the advice


  1. Can you give a tutorial of this protective style? It looks so cute!

    1. Hi Stephanie, sorry for this super late reply! I have never done a tutorial but will do one and post it on the blog. Thanks for reading my blog!
