Sunday, 26 May 2013

10 weeks post - hello deep conditioning

I am currently 10 weeks post relaxer, I have my hair in a bun most of the time and haven't even had the desire to leave it loose.

I have a few more weeks till my relaxer, I am planning on relaxing at 13 weeks post. Next relaxer planning on 26 weeks post, with the help of weaves and wigs am hoping.

My hair has been feeling really soft of late, so am happy, haven't really been M&S as much as I would like but I hope the once a week I do is enough for my hair.

Today I plan to DC with my silver conditioning cap and used the Aussie deep conditioner, oh my gosh I am sold! This made my hair feel soooooo soft. Only issue is the bottles don't go a long way, but my hair loves loves loves it. So am going to use it on a regular :)

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