Monday, 1 July 2013

Review of June goals...Setting of July Goals

1.     1 litre of water a day – This went well I feel, though I still had missed day these did not exceed 5! So am proud of myself. Some days I even drunk 1.5l! This month I will up the dose and try to make sure I don't miss a day.
2.     Try out a flexirod set – Winner, though it did not come out as well, will have to try it out again.
3.     Weekly DC – passed!! This month I incorporated heat with my DC, which I am super proud about, I have even split my protein and moisturizing conditioner!
4.    M&S twice a week – passed! I M&S almost every other day, my hair has never felt healthier! I am planning on maintaining this!

So goals for July…..

1.     Drink 1 litre of water everyday.
2.     Try 2 new protective styles
3.     Avoid buying any new hair products :\
4.    M&S when needed and apply castor oil to scalp twice a week
5.  Do a 1 or 2 mile jog 3 times a week (hopefully lose 1 kg
6. Have one weekend social actuvity, I am bad at getting myself out the house and waste all my weekend time!
Hope your goals all went well this month

Happy Hair Journeys’ ladies :-)

‘When you wake up in the morning, complete the following statement: “My purpose today is….”’