Sunday, 13 July 2014

6 months NO heat challenge

I embarked on a no heat challenge for the last 6 months. It started on the 4th of January and ending on the 4th of July.

I can't say I really missed using heat, I have become so used to styling my hair with no heat. I did Bantu knot out, twist out, flexirod, buns etc

So what have I learnt on the way..
1. Using the cool setting on the blow dry to stretch my hair was a great discovery

2. I can also dry my sets using cool air.

3. Even though I was not using direct heat, I have to remember to protect my hair against the heat from the sun. Grapeseed oil is a great sun protectant.

4. My hair prefers to dry using cool air than natural air drying 

5. Using week long protective styles helped through the challenge

I have really enjoyed this challenge. My plans going forward are to keep some form of a no heat challenge but not stretch it to as far as 6 months. 

Here is my flat ironed hair results. Just is also my 6 months length check.

P.s you can tell my camera man wasn't close by. :p

Have you even done a no heat challenge? 

Happy Hair Journey Ladies! :o)

None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm. - Henry David Thoreau


  1. Congrats on making it 6 months without heat! I don't think I've ever gone that long, maybe 4 months. Your hair is looking great Yvonne x

    1. Thanks Lesley! It was surprising not that hard, but I think I do like wearing my hair straight for now.

  2. Congrats on completing your six month challenge!! Challenges really push us to know our hair and get creative. Well done :-)

    1. Thanks Bee, it was indeed a learning experience and am glad I did it

  3. Six long months, Congrats!!!! I really want to flat iron my hair.

    1. I know the feeling, flat iron hair straightens our all the new growth and the hair is so easy to manage.

  4. I have been heat free for one full year now. Good luck!

    1. Well done you! Think will try doing a whole year heat free after the wedding.

  5. Congratulations on making it six months! I'm on an unofficial no direct heat challenge and am on week 10. It's not as hard as I thought it would be and I've enjoyed it as I've learned more about my hair.

    1. Thanks Leah, my hear challenge also started off very unofficial :). Wish you well in your goals!
