Sunday, 3 August 2014

Relaxer Day

I have been so so bad with my blog updates but wanted to let you all know I relaxed my hair at 16 weeks post yesterday. 

My relaxer day was very similar to my last relaxer
1.dividing hair in mini twists 
2. Applying an oil to my already relaxed hair
3. Mixing my relaxer with an oil to slow down processing time
4. Set timer to 13 and go go go. This relaxer, I only used 9 mins before I was ready to rinse off. It was so quick! I just had to stopp and get my hair rinsed and neutralised. Maybe I had been messing with my scalp all week...9 mins was short. But got all my relaxed in in 7 so yay me! I still go the results I was looking for. Have lots of texture and volume.

I wore my hair in a wavy twist out. It was big and undefined by the end of the day but enjoyed it regardless.

I didn't do a length check but think it's safe to say am still in APL land. Will do an official length check and ends check soon. For the first time ever I have not been bothered about the length of my hair. My last relaxer days it was all about the flat iron to see the length I retained. Hope this feeling lasts it's so freeing p.s I still want length!! Don't get me wrong. 

Pictures of my hair post relaxer below

Happy Hair Journeys Ladies! :o)

Join the wash day link up every Wednesday with SOS and Just Grow Already


  1. Yvonne,

    I still cant get how w are worlds apart but our hair journeys are so in sync. I also relaxed my hair on Saturday at 16 weeks post. I also washed out my relaxer very fast because my scalp was starting to itch. I did not get any serious burn though. I will post me relaxer update later this week.

    1. You know what, I made the same observation about our journeys, they have been synced for a really long time. Even when we aim for different weeks post relaxer it still ends the same heheh! Can't wait to hear how your relaxer day went.

  2. Your hair looks so healthy, with lots of texture. These shots are gorge. What camera did you use?

  3. Thanks Sandra! I am quite happy with the thickness am getting. The cancer is the samsung nx2000.

  4. wow you have left me stretching alone now Yvonne, sob sob lol. thought i would texlax at 16 weeks but have decided to try 20 wks or before hiding face..... .Girl your hair looks great its so healthy and thick. Beautiful texture too
    I love the waves in it cant wait to join you soon.

    1. Lol! Good luck with the rest of your stretch, I was suppose to have ended mine on 14 weeks, but pushed it to 16, I will be going for the big 20 something week post this time around! Can't wait to read up on your relaxer very soon!

  5. Your texture and thickness is amazing. 9mins yikes, You have become the texlax boss. I'm still trying to get down to 15mins.

    1. Heheh, texlax boss love it! With the twist everything goes so quick. Am sure you will be able to get it down to 15 by your next relaxer! :)

  6. So pretty, Yvonne! You did a great job. Your hair is definitely getting thicker. Love it!

  7. Gorgeous results Yvonne, I love your twist out x

  8. You hair looks great Yvonne, loving the thickness of your hair and the twist out! FYI I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger award, check out my post on my page!

    1. Thanks for the nomination Keoshia! I just drafted my answers!

  9. Not Hair Related- I love your top! Great relaxer day and the hair looks gorge :-)

  10. You look amazing from hair down. Cutie patootie, you are!
