Tuesday, 7 July 2015

25 weeks | oh so simple styles

Here are a few styles that have kept me going through to my 6 month post relaxer mark. This was the look I had for ‘dinner with the girls’


This was my attempt for a ponytail, but my hair is too short for such. So, I twisted up the front and managed to fit the rest into an incredible small ponytail.

I have been doing a lot of twist outs, which I feel look great in person, but as soon as my twisted out hair sees a camera....yikes….. it's far from cute lol.

I can now see more and more of my new growth, but a clear division still fails me, I wonder how the ‘big chop’ will work out.
Happy hair journeys ladies


  1. I happen to like the twist-out, Thank you very much! lol
    Your hair almost looks fully natural. I love it!

  2. I love your looks and the twist out looks cute also. But I kind of feel you. Sometimes my hair pics don't turn out how they look in person to me. I'm like that is so not what I just saw in the mirror! LOL!!!! I've been considering the big chop too, but I think I want to wait a little longer before I do that. I'm just so ready to be fully natural though!

  3. I love your twist out Yvonne. Gorgeous hair <3 x

  4. My favorite is the twisted bang and mini pony! I think that it's super cute! Congrats on making it 6 months post!

    KLP @ SavingOurStrands

  5. Definitely simple..but effortless and chi as well! These looks are super cute
    I tagged you in the What's in My Bag Tag.. I hope you can participate. Details are here http://glamlushhair.blogspot.com/2015/07/whats-in-my-bag-tag.html

  6. Your twist out look fab! 6 months down already.
