Tuesday, 1 September 2015

7 month | Transition Update

I have now officially passed my 7 month mark in my hair transition. ***confetti***

The good points

My hair has not been very difficult to handle. I wash my hair once a week, using method shown below:

Shampoo >>> DC >>> Detangle hair with Leave in >> Twist hair >> Air Dry

I have completely cut off the prepoo stage in my wash days. I do moisturise my hair at least every other day, and as I generally re-twist my hair the night before, I can sometimes moisturises my hair every day. Another step I have cut off is sealing my hair with an oil.

Over 2 weeks ago, I did notice my hair was dull and dry, and for this wash day I did prepoo my hair:

  1. Prepooed with coconut oil
  2. Shampooed with ORS HaiRepair Shampoo
  3. DC with ORS Replenshing Conditioner, with coconut oil
  4. Leave in, detangled and twist.

My hair felt clean and moisturised that week, so I know prepooing is really beneficial to stop the shampoo from stripping my hair dry.

The reason I have cut off pre-pooing and sealing steps in my regimen is due to laziness.

Last wash day I also measured my new growth, I can now tell where my texlaxed hair ends and my new growth begin. My NG is measuring at 7cm. ***more confetti** I was excited as I now know the rate at which my hair grows >> 1cm each month.

The not so good side

 I have been getting frustrated with the state of my texlaxed hair especially when I have a braid out or I wear my hair in twists, the ends are frizzy and ‘straight’ (see picture below) I am continuously trimming the ends to get more of a curly end, it’s ok for a while, then goes back to its frizzy ‘straight’ self…..I hope when am fully natural this will not be an issue, as I will constantly be trimming my hair….
You can see the state of my ends

I have really been feeling like cutting off my texlaxed hair due to the issues above, but let me not kid myself, 7cm is too short for my liking **vanity**. Also the longer I transition the more likely I will retain the majority of my growth, as the split ends affect my texlaxed hair.

Am dying for your suggestions for my dry fizzy texlaxed ends?

Happy Hair Journeys Ladies! :o)


  1. Hi Yvonne,
    I am sorry to say that washing with shampoo every week was a problem for my ends too. I kept getting straight, dry ends. Now I only shampoo once a month. I co-wash in between and that is helping a lot. I understand exactly what you mean. My ends looked just like yours once, but I am not afraid to get rid of them.

    1. I will try co washing more, I have been shampoo happy! Thanks for the awesome advise Nerline,!

    2. I was going to suggest the same thing. It's been a great help to me on my long term stretch. I like the As I Am coconut cowash. It's a nice gentle cleanse without drying my new growth. And I still pre-poo beforehand.

    3. Thanks for the advice! I really need to start exploring cowashing and get back to pre-pooing #nomorelazydays

  2. Yvonne your hair looks beautiful. I have a problem with my ends too, though my ends are smooth and my texlaxed hair is poofy! I'm hoping that when I finally cut off my ends my hair will sort itself out haha x

    1. Thanks Lesley! Am hoping when am fully natural I would have these issues, but Nerline has made a good point about my weekly use of shampoo, so will try correct that first.

  3. Same case here, at 8 months post, am at 8.5cm, but the shrinkage scares me though am tching really bad to cut it, sigh... My new growth is softer which i always never thought, I mean I have highly coily hair, but it is soft compared to the dry ends. I have been trimming since March (doing monthly mini-chops). I want to completely go natural in two weeks, Yes! to the big chop, and wear synthetic braids until December to wear my hair out. Too short for my liking too. *sorry about that, needed to rant* But hey, you have hair exactly like mine, at least from the pictures, and 1month apart post-relaxer. Keep posting, you inspire me.

    1. Hi Deborah! Thanks for your comment! It's always great when you find someone on the same path as you!! Oh wow to BCing next month!!! I would really love to BC too will push it to a full year. Let me know how it goes!!

    2. So, I went to the salon to undo my hair and the hairdresser was a bit unsure (of what exactly I wanted) so I went home and as usual put it in twists and snipped away, am almost there, I guess there will be no need for a big chop after all. I have ends that I only need to dust, very minimal straight ends, and I will keep doing it myself, maybe just one more time or twice.

  4. What shampoo are you suing weekly? Try co-washing inbetween as in every other week shampoo and replace with co-washing and see if that helps. I too love shampoo but i have started limiting it to when needed.

  5. Congrats on transitioning! As for your ends not keeping up, I suggest you look into your moisturizing and sealing products/techniques, and the frequency as well. Prepooing with coconut oil helps to preserve the ends if done on a weekly basis. You may also want to check the sharpness of your shears. Dull shears can make your ends look trashy in a short period of time.

  6. Congrats on transitioning! As for your ends not keeping up, I suggest you look into your moisturizing and sealing products/techniques, and the frequency as well. Prepooing with coconut oil helps to preserve the ends if done on a weekly basis. You may also want to check the sharpness of your shears. Dull shears can make your ends look trashy in a short period of time.

  7. Congrats on transitioning! As for your ends not keeping up, I suggest you look into your moisturizing and sealing products/techniques, and the frequency as well. Prepooing with coconut oil helps to preserve the ends if done on a weekly basis. You may also want to check the sharpness of your shears. Dull shears can make your ends look trashy in a short period of time.
