Friday, 9 May 2014

Fitness Friday| 10K I did it…well!

So my fitness activities have not been the best for the past 2 weeks, at the most I have been running once a week, boohoo.

Last weekend I was talking with the office coordinator who is training for a walking marathon, actually happen this Saturday night! As my last gift to her as she embarked on this 7 to 8 hour walk was to join her for one of her works from work back home. Our home route is the same for the first 5K then we branch off.

For the first 5K, I walked with her steadily not wanted to cause any injuries before the big day. Then after the 5K mark I ‘zoomed’ off and jogged the rest of the way home.

I had not really looked at my app tracker till I got home (an hour and a half later) but I had covered 11K and burnt over 990 calories (less call it 1000 :p)

I was super chuffed, I had been so scared to even get this far, the furthest non-stop run I have done was 7K and at the 7 mark my mind went in overdrive and my legs then turned to jelly….instantly! It was the realisation that I had been running continuously for over 50 mins.

Now that I know I can run from work to home I will definitely be doing this more often! The views through the parks are amazing; I have never really appreciated it!

This fitness Friday I have definitely won the battle with my mind! Even though I did not run 10K continuously, after doing this I could so do it! #yay me!

Happy Fitness Friday! :o)

‘Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature ---the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter’ – Rachel Carson


  1. This linkup keeps me on my toes too. You did so great! CONGRATULATIONS!

    1. Thanks Nerline, it's really good how it keeps us motivated.

  2. OMGosh congrats!!!! I've never been a runner - instead preferring to run during other activities but I am thinking of starting.

    1. Thanks Ebony. I used to hate running, it was always forced on me at school, but i do hope it sticks this time around.

  3. Congrats Yvonne! That's awesome!! I have fallen off my running game the past couple weeks, too. My first 5K is next weekend so I've been a little anxious knowing I've been slacking. *confidence booster* Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Melanie! Good luck with your 5K, I find running is hard to maintain, I have been so on and off the this month.

  4. Job well done, I'm such not a runner even though I was pretty athletic at school.

  5. Great job Yvonne!! I tagged you in a Being Me Blog Tag! I hope you participate :D

    1. Thanks flourishingstrands! thanks for the tag too! I will start working on my answers! :)

  6. Congratulations!
    I hate running but I really admire runners' dedication.

    1. Thanks Britt. I feel like I hate running too heheh weird, but after I run I feel so great!

  7. Oh snap! You betta get it Yvonne! You're a champ!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands
