Thursday, 1 May 2014

Technique Thursday | A section here, a section there

The one thing I have learnt on my hair journey to minimize tangles and subsequently detangling time, as well as making sure all my hair strands get enough hair product is by doing everything in sections.

Wash day – I always carry out my wash day in 4 braids

·         This helps me minimise detangling time

·         Gives me smaller sections to work with

·         Makes sure I get product on all my strands.

M&S – 6 months into my hair journey a lot of the hair at my crown and back fell off because my moisturiser was not getting to it. Since I started working in sections, I swear the hair at the back of my head has improved.

·         Helps with detangling

·         Helps making sure all my hair gets enough product.

Dealing with hair in sections makes it easy for me to inspect the health of my hair on a regular basis.

It’s Thursday! Head over to Relaxed Tharaipy for more tips and tricks for your hair, or share your hair tricks!

Happy Hair Journey’s Ladies! :o)

‘Don’t change the world, change worlds’ – Francis of Assisi


  1. Detangling really helps. I try to do it with my fingers sometimes. Great tips.

    1. Fingers detangling is amazing, really does get rid of tangle low manipulation way.

  2. I also work in four sections. Its so much easier.

  3. Hi Yvonne!! TY for linking up with me. I tried washing in braids and liked it for a while but eventually stopped liking it --- all shed hairs started collecting at the base of the braid and created one big matte. How do you keep this from happening to your braids?
    Divachyk | Relaxed Thairapy

    1. Thanks for the host divachyk, i always trying detangling at each stage like you do, at pre poo, conditioning etc, so think that is how I have managed to minimise the content of shed hair. However I can see how one strand of shed hair at WL and APL would make it just that bit harder.

  4. Do you have a Twitter, FB or Instagram for your blog so I can give you a social media shoutout?

    1. Not at the moment, I will definitely be setting up an Instagram page soon! Thanks for the support

  5. Sections really help a lot with tangles, especially fot my daughter.
