Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Wash day | Moisture & tea rinse #week4

Its Wash day Wednesday! Join the Link up with SOS and Just Grow already #washdayexperience

This week’s highlight was same as last week moisture and tea rinsing

[1] Sectioned hair in 4 and pre-pooed with coconut oil, each section was then braided.

[2] Put hair in heat cap for 30 minutes, and detangled

[3] DC on dry hair with Vatika Deep Conditioners (Contains henna and almond oil) and a bit of glycerin, used heat cap for 30 mins, and detangled

 [4] Shampooed hair with HEHH Shampoo mixed with walnut oil and diluted

 [5] Tea Rinse with ginger tea

[6] Applied Luster’s Conditioner for 5 minutes and rinsed out (needed to finish off a sample)

 [7] T-shirt dried hair for 45 mins.

[8] Sprayed Aussie Hair Miracle Insurance Leave in and coconut oil to each section and left it to air dried for the whole day.

[9] M&S with ORS Carrot Oil and a serum. (L = leave in O = coconut C = Carrot oil O=serum method)

[10] During the weekend I wig’ed it, my custom wig is not making me happy at all, I will have to get it unravelled and redo, it doesn’t sit well, the hair doesn’t curl well, the closure is losing hair…not a happy customer at all! :-( see below how the same hair was as a weave and then as a wig.
Left: current wig, the length is uneven, clearly no thought when
wig was being made regarding lengths of the hair and how the hair was
laying, plus there is a hump on the wig, I 'll stop there.
Right: Weave

I PS my hair on Sunday for the week, but oh dear my hair was dry by Monday, I took down my PS and my hair was still saturated with moisturiser but it was dry! So I bagged my hair for 3 hours on Monday (girl on holiday) still was dry after. I saturated my hair with Aussie leave in and then PS it. It felt ok for the day. This morning it was still ok-ish…but I don’t think it will be fine come tomorrow….what is going on??! Winter is gone my hair should be bouncing with moisture!
Weekly PS, before take down.

I will be protein treating (mild) my hair next wash today or TODAY if I can squeeze in the time. From reading last week’s post I had complained about dryness after changing from Aunt Jackies to Vatika Conditioner. Also my serum is rather oil and it has most likely expired, so that has gone. It could be a moisture protein imbalance…

Next week’s wash day will be protein treatment time.

How was your wash day?

Happy Hair Journey’s Ladies! :o)

‘Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ‘It might have been.’’ – John Greenleaf Whittier


  1. I have never tried using Ginger tea fro my tea rinses, is it any good?

    1. I have been using ginger tea for a while now, I started using it when I was having dandruff and dry scalp issues, as that was the only thing I chnaged I would like to say it sorted out my scalp. For hair shedding, I have never really had a majour issue with shedding and still don't. Sorry a very inconclusive review, hehe

  2. I'm no wig expert but I thought that both looks were super cute! I vaguely recall using a ginger tea for my tea rinse about a year ago. It left my hair a bit harder/drier than other tea blends so I ditched it after 2 or 3 uses.

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. I think you do have a point! I will be removing the ginger tea from my wash days and review, it worked well when mixed with the Rosemary tea, but maybe doesn't on it's own.

      Maybe the wig/weave problem is all in my head hehe, thanks.

  3. Um, perhaps I don't know what I'm looking at and/or for but both pics look great. I have read about ginger tea somewhere else but can't remember where. I even purchased it but haven't used it just yet. It's been sitting in my pantry for like a year. #pjissues
    Divachyk | Relaxed Thairapy

    1. Thanks divachyk, maybe the wig isn't all that bad, wil brush it up some more.
      I have started thinking that the ginger tea could be the one that is causing the dryness. hmmm

  4. I tired a wig this week too but haven't posted pics yet. Try clarifying, that may help your moisture issues. I like that wig on you, too cute.

    1. Oh would love to see how your wig experience went!

      I used a sulphate based shampoo but might have been good to DC the other way around. Will clarify again next wash day.

  5. I always thought it was your hair.

    1. Lol, before my hair journey i got this length so that it would be in line with my length.

  6. I've been experiencing a bit of dryness too for some reason. I was thinking like you, "winter's over. what's going on???" I think i'm going to work on the moisture, not sure if I'm using more protein than I need to Good luck and hope you overcome your dryness issue!

    1. What is going on right!? I have been adding moisture and more moisture. This week i will clarify and the DC after clarifying. what could it be??
