Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Wash day | Moisture & tea rinse #week3

Prepooed with coconut oil; DC with Vatika; shampooed with Elasta QP and walnut oil
diluted with water

This week’s highlight was same as last week moisture and tea rinsing

[1] Sectioned hair in 4 and pre-pooed with coconut oil, each section was then braided.

[2] Put hair in heat cap for 30 minutes, and detangled

[3] DC on dry hair with Vatika Deep Conditioners (Contains henna and almond oil), used heat cap for 30 mins, and detangled

 [4] Shampooed hair with Elasta QP crème and conditioning Shampoo mixed with walnut oil and diluted

 [5] Tea Rinse with ginger tea

[6] Applied HEHH Conditioner for 5 minutes and rinsed out

 [7] T-shirt dried hair for 45 mins.

[8] Sprayed Aussie Hair Miracle Insurance Leave in and coconut oil to each section and left it to air dried for the whole day.

[9] M&S with ORS Carrot Oil and a serum. (L = leave in O = coconut C = Carrot oil O=serum method)

[10] During the weekend I wig’ed it and then PS for the week on Monday. (This is my new customise made wig, I will be reviewing it shortly, for now here are a few pictures)
The closure is a 3 part closure, am using the side parting,
The wig is SL. more details and better pictures soon

3 week post relaxer, at this stage I am not expecting to have much new growth, however I have been having dry feeling at the first inch of hair from my scalp. My thoughts are my texlaxed hair texture was more under-processed than usual and this hair is mimicking the behaviours of NG. Also my hair is missing the intensive moisture it got from Aunt Jackie’s. The bank of my hair is LP and leaving out the glycerine/honey from my conditioner is very evident.
Protective style for the week, loved lasts weeks a bit too much

Next week’s wash day will be similar to this week’s, but in between I will be working on moisturising my thirsty hair.

How was your wash day? Why don’t you join the wash day experience linkup with SOS and Just grow alreadyevery Wednesday.

Happy Hair Journey’s Ladies! :o)

‘In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.’ – Leo Tolstoy


  1. You did a good job with that wig, it looks natural. Its good to know that you love the Aunt Jackie's DC.

    1. I really do love it! I can now tell how good it is after using another DC

  2. I swapped my tea rinse for coffee. Great post.

    1. I have never really done many coffee rinses, i will try it again one of these days

  3. I can't wait to hear about your wig! It looks nice. I've been wanting one without spending hundreds of dollars...
